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We need your support to raise awareness for Geothermal Everywhere...

GEAA is a not for gain organisation, lobbying and challenging political and regulatory framework to position geothermal in the global energy mix as a leading baseload solution for clean energy, today geothermal energy is widely miss understood and requires significant investment to shift the needle in its position to help reduce our global carbon emissions and meet net zero targets.    

GEAA tries to provide its members with a valued service running awareness events, undertaking webinars and writing report all of which requires significant resources all donation toward this cause support the wider Geothermal Anywhere development process, so DONATE today and support Advancing Geothermal Energy... 

Help change the way we use energy become a PETAWATT Member a PATRON Sponsor of GEAA

If you would like to enquire about becoming a PATRON donor of GEAA please contact GEAA Chair of Founding Members:

Tania Farrow -  Business Administrator GEAA at ...

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